Privacy statement

You are currently reading the Privacy statement of EVOC expat housing. As a rental specialist, we are fully specialized in the rental of homes to expats. There are various situations in which we collect and store your data.

It is good that you know what is being done with it, how we store your data and how you can indicate your wishes regarding your data. When you have found a suitable location with us and want to rent or view an object or fill in our contact form via our website, EVOC could record the following data:

  • your name, address and contact details such as your telephone number and e-mail address • the search profile in which your wishes regarding an object are included
  • information about your current object such as the rental price, the reason for renting, for example larger housing or a change of work
  • your age and income category and family composition
  • when you have rented an object: the transaction data such as the rental price and the rental start date
  • other information that you provide to us or sign with us

The purpose of recording data

  1. To be able to contact you. As soon as you fill in a contact form via our website, we can use your details to contact you to inform you about our services.
  2. Entering into an assignment for services. If you engage us for successful rental assistance, we ask you to complete and sign a rental agreement and / or other documents for the purpose of the rental agreement and send us a copy of your ID. This data is carefully stored in our secure Cloud and in our customer file with security.
  3. In some cases, we place a re-marketing cookie from Google or Facebook, which ensures that you see an advertisement from us at another time. The cookie will be placed for a maximum of 540 days. You can always delete your cookies and you will not encounter any re-marketing advertisements from us.
  4. When renting out a home. Your data and copy ID are used to draw up a rental agreement.
  5. Your details regarding the rented property, your name, address, zip code and place of residence, as well as the costs, are used for drawing up invoices. Naturally, all data is processed with your consent. We assume that as soon as you fill in a contact form via our websites, leave your details to receive our information or sign an order for services with EVOC, you give us permission to store, process and keep your data. You will of course always have access to your data, if you wish, please address your request to the relevant employee of EVOC expat housing.

The data we receive and process from you is managed by:

  1. The e-mail from EVOC expat housing is hosted by TransIP in Leiden. If you contact us, these emails will be stored on’s servers. These are in the Netherlands.
  2. If necessary and agreed: employees of EVOC, service employees for maintenance, the appraiser, the mortgage adviser, the municipality, NWWI, banks. However, only after explicit permission from you.
  3. We pass on your data on our contracts and invoices to our accountant.
  4. Branding and optimization website. Our website, Facebook, Google Analytics and Google Adwords are managed by external parties. They have limited access to our secure software.
Said parties only have access to your data insofar as this is necessary for the intended purposes. EVOC expat housing has concluded processing agreements with these parties where necessary.

External links
On the website of EVOC expat housing you will find links to external websites. Clicking on a link will take you to a website outside of the EVOC expat housing websites. These external websites may use cookies. We would like to refer you to the cookie and / or privacy statement of the relevant website.

For commercial purposes on our website and our Social Media Channels, we will post photos of homes for rent or the home you have rented. The street name, house number and city name are stated here. Your personal information is never listed here. If we want to use a photo that you are on for commercial purposes, we will always first request explicit written permission from you. These photos are stored in our secure Cloud.

If you want a photo that you are on, which has been placed with your permission, to be removed, you can send a request to We will then remove this photo, however, there will always be the chance that something will remain on the internet.

Storage period
Your data will be stored by EVOC expat housing for a longer period of time, but never longer than necessary, unless we have to keep your data longer due to a legal regulation. Of course EVOC expat housing ensures that your data is adequately secured so that your data is protected against unauthorized use.

Your rights

  1. Right of access. You have the right to request your data from EVOC expat housing at any time. You do this by sending an e-mail to your contact person at EVOC expat housing or via You will then receive an overview of your data in our system.
  2. Right to rectification. Are your details incorrect? Or have your data changed? You have the right to have this rectified by EVOC expat housing.
  3. Right to transfer. If you need your data stored with us, you have the right to transfer.
  4. Right to erasure. If you want your data to no longer be recorded at EVOC expat housing, you have the right to request us to delete your data. However, we are bound by various legal terms within which we are obliged to keep your data. If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact us.
  5. Right to file a complaint. You have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority if you feel that we are not handling your data correctly.

EVOC expat housing processes personal data on the basis of the performance of its services.

The information that is required to provide is the minimum information required to be able to properly carry out our work as a landlord for you or to inform you properly about our services. If this mandatory information is not provided by you, EVOC expat housing cannot optimally offer its service to you.

Should it be necessary to share your data with parties other than those mentioned in this privacy statement, you will always be explicitly requested to do so.

EVOC expat housing reserves the right to disclose the information when required by law or if we deem it fair to comply with a legal request / process or to protect the rights, property or safety of EVOC expat housing. In doing so, we always try to respect your right to privacy as much as possible.

Do you have any questions?
Please feel free to contact your contact person at EVOC Expat Housing at or via

We reserve the right to adjust this privacy statement