Terms and Conditions

      You are currently reading the Terms and Conditions of EVOC expat housing. As a rental specialist, we are fully specialized in the rental of homes to expats. 

  1. A prospective tenant means any person who responds to housing that EVOC expat housing offers or mediates. A tenant means any person who has accepted the terms and conditions for renting a specific home in writing. EVOC expat housing means EVOC expat housing in the Netherlands.
  2. Living space means any living space which EVOC expat housing offers on its website.
  3. By responding to an offered accommodation, a prospective tenant automatically registers with EVOC expat housing. By registering, the prospective tenant agrees to the privacy statement.
  4. A viewing of a living space by the prospective tenant is always without obligation and free of charge. As soon as a viewing takes place, the candidate tenant has already agreed to the General Terms and Conditions and privacy statement of EVOC expat housing.
  5. If, after viewing, a prospective tenant indicates that he wishes to be considered for renting the accommodation, the candidate tenant will be asked by EVOC expat housing to submit the necessary documents. By means of the privacy statement, the candidate tenant agrees to this and the candidate tenant also agrees to the way in which EVOC expat housing deals with the requested documents.
  6. EVOC expat housing can decide not to offer a prospective tenant a lease, regardless of the reason. EVOC expat housing does not accept any liability for this choice.
  7. After approval of the documents requested by EVOC expat housing, a rental agreement will be offered. The lease is based on the model of the Real Estate Council (ROZ) and the accompanying General Provisions. By signing the lease, the prospective tenant commits to renting and all associated obligations of the living space and the candidate tenant automatically agrees to the rights and obligations stated or pertaining to the then signed lease, which may include, but are not limited to, the house rules, conditions of the Owners association (VVE), whether present or not, or obligations entered by concluding or already concluded contracts with suppliers such as for gas, water, electricity, internet, telephone or otherwise.
  8. If the prospective tenant is eligible for housing for which a permit is required, obtaining this permit is at the expense and risk of the prospective tenant himself.
  9. All offers, notices, promises and agreements of living space offered by EVOC expat housing, both written and oral, are without obligation and are at all times deemed to have been made subject to approval of EVOC expat housing until any rental agreement has actually been signed. Candidate tenant cannot derive any rights from this.
  10. EVOC expat housing is not liable for the consequences of inaccuracies, incompleteness, nullity or voidability in the rental agreement which are the result of incorrect information provided by the prospective tenant to EVOC expat housing.
  11. Dutch law is applicable to all disputes between (prospective) tenant and EVOC expat housing.